울쎄라효과 신사역피부과 4주차 솔직 후기

울쎄라 효과 신사역피부과의원 4주차 솔직후기

안녕하세요 류미입니다!
2023년 연말을 어떻게 보낼까 고민하다가 자기관리가 최고라는 걸 깨달았어요!
울쎄라 리프팅을 선택했어요 – 12월 말에 신사역 피부과에서 울쎄라를 받았고, 울쎄라 2주차, 4주차 효과에 대한 솔직한 후기를 전해드리고자 합니다!
울쎄라를 받은 것은 이번이 세 번째인데, 저에게 가장 잘 맞는 리프팅이기도 합니다.

나는 이것이 아닐까 생각했다.

이번에 울쎄라피를 받으시면서 부작용이나 효과가 궁금하신 분들을 위해 솔직한 후기를 남겨보겠습니다!

그날은 날씨가 많이 흐리고 나빴지만, 예뻐지겠다는 일념 하나로 신사역 피부과에 도착했습니다.

지금까지 크리스마스 분위기가 물씬 풍겼어요~ㅎㅎ. 병원정보는 하나도 남기지 않으니 궁금하신 점 있으시면 연락주세요!
치료 전 상담은 필수!
300샷과 600샷 사이에서 고민하다가 하체라인이 많이 무너지고 이중턱이 걱정되서 300샷으로 결정!
그런데 효과가 너무 좋아서 다음번에는 600샷 정도 생각하고 있어요. ㅎㅎ 300발은 이정도인데 600발은 좀 무리같네요. 특히 전체적인 얼굴 라인과 얼굴 윤곽을 개선하고 싶은 분들, 볼의 지방을 조절하고 싶은 분들에게 600샷을 추천드립니다.

ㅎㅎ 신사역 피부과가 잘 정리되어 있네요. 상담 후 라커룸으로 안내해드립니다.

에 짐을 보관했어요!
자려고 하다가 목 위로 올라가는 옷이 시술 시 불편할 수 있어서 가운을 입었어요 🙂 이때 또 옆볼이 처져서 이중턱이 정말 보기 싫었어요 내 두개골 라인을 따라. ㅠㅠ그러니까 그렇죠. 울쎄라 효과를 이용해 이중턱 관리와 옆볼 메워주기를 원했어요. 깊은 볼 부분 역시 나이가 들수록 보기 흉하게 빠지기 ​​때문에 그 부분을 채워주면 얼굴 전체가 그림자 없이 화사해 보이고 어려보이는 효과가 있습니다.

같은 것 같았습니다.

잠시 대기실에 앉아서 기다리자… .금식하느라 물 한컵도 못마셨는데, 물이 너무 마시고 싶었어요>__ And those who have gel nails must remove 2 nails, including the thumb. ~ Of course, the hospital kindly asks in advance for everything. Please guide me haha. And I will be receiving Ulthera... I just slept well and woke up and it was over hahaha. Here is a photo right after Ulthera!
My face is slightly swollen and it feels tingly, so it is difficult to see the effect right away at this time. It is the 2nd week. The Ulthera effect starts to appear and the line is formed by the 4th week!
It's difficult to show this in a photo, but when I touch it with my hand, the deep cheek area I wanted has quickly filled up, making my face look younger and firmer as a whole. I really want to ask everyone to touch my face with their hands. Among the dermatology clinics at Sinsa Station, this is the place. The reason I chose it was because it was a hospital with a long history of performing Ulthera treatments, so I could trust it, and once I received it, the effects seemed to last for more than a year. (There are individual differences) And sometimes, if you look at the posts about Ulthera side effects, you will see that my cheeks have lost too much fat and my face shape is not pretty. There were posts saying, "I got a burn." Here, you don't have to worry because we use the Gold Standard Ulthera system and use genuine tips as well as a personalized treatment that adjusts the shot according to the thickness of the skin. The doctor really helped me a lot during the procedure. They told me that they were confident that they did it, so I was able to receive it with peace of mind and without worry. And when it's done, they give you a certificate of genuine treatment >_< Here's the handwritten signature of the doctor who performed the treatment. It's not the same Ulthera, everyone!
To ensure the safety of your skin and health, find a dermatologist who uses genuine, verified tips!
After the procedure, I'm going home again... .They brought me water, morning porridge, and honey sweet potatoes. If I didn't have this, I might have passed out hahaha. It was really, really sweet and delicious!
I get really thirsty after sleeping, so I emptied a whole bottle of water and made my morning porridge soothe my hunger, so I was happy... .LOL It's already been a month since I received Ulthera!
For about a week, I felt a tingling sensation when I touched my face and there were some lumps on my skin, but it soon disappeared. This area will gradually disappear, so you don't have to worry. And if you have sensitive skin, the hospital will prescribe an ointment, so if you apply it, you will feel much better. ~ 4th week of Ulthera effect at Sinsa Station Dermatology Clinic!
Are you really curious about the before and after comparison? I’ll show you right away!
From the left, the order is before treatment / 2nd week / 4th week!
Do you see a difference? I purposely took various photos from the front and the side. What stands out clearly is the improvement in the double chin on the side and the feeling that the blunt chin line has become clearer. When you look at it from the front, it is less obvious, but the cheekbones are plump and lifted up, so they feel sunken when touched. The wrinkles on my nasolabial folds have become smaller and I have seen the effect of improving my nasolabial folds. I really appealed to you about this part, but I think I saw better results by focusing on the problem area and caring for it. Thank you >_